When you pass through our unlocked gate continue straight across the bridge and the creek go past the sign for 650 Thompson Rd. and make the next right at the green hedge, you’ll pass 950 Thompson Rd., and make the next right at the T and continue to TinyCamp.
Turn by Turn Directions
Step 1. - Turn onto Thompson Rd.
Step 2. - Continue through gate (never locked) and go straight to bridge
Step 3. - Carefully continue over single-lane bridge
Step 4. - Go past 650 driveway sign and turn right at green hedge
Step 5. - Go slow up rough stretch and turn right at the pink house
Step 6. - Find your Tiny house: #1 Renew, #2 Flow, #3 Aspire, #4 Grow, #5 Breathe.
Step 7. - Park in front parallel to street or in front of deck at Grow and Breathe.
Step 1.
Turn onto Thompson Rd.
Heading north on Hwy 89a. Turn right on Thompson Rd 3.6 miles north of uptown, 0.1 miles past Indian Gardens Market. When you’re heading to Tinycamp just follow the directions from Google maps when you see a 650 sign on the driveway go past it make the next right and at the T make another right and you’ll be at Tinycamp.
Note: This is a small one-lane road please give right of way to others
Step 2.
Continue through gate and go straight to bridge
Continue through the private gate (never locked) and go straight for 0.2 miles down to the bridge across the Oak Creek and up a tree-lined single lane road.
Note: Right behind the gate is a private mobile home park keep going straight past it.
TinyCamp Directions Video Steps 3-7
Watch the video for a guided tour to your Tiny house.
Step 3.
Continue over metal Bridge
Carefully continue over single-lane bridge, give right of way to oncoming traffic
Step 4.
Turn right at green hedge - Scroll to the Video below for a guided tour
When you see a sign on a driveway for #650 - keep going. Turn right to stay on Thompson Rd. where you see a green hedge and continue 200ft on a rough stretch of road.
Step 5.
Turn right at pink house
Turn right at the the pink log house and continue 300 ft to TinyCamp
Step 6.
Find your Tiny House - Scroll to the Detailed TinyCamp Map
#1 Renew - park parallel in front of the stairs
#2 Flow - park parallel in front of the deck
#3 Aspire - park parallel beside the deck
#4 Grow - park in the parking space on the left by the stairs
#5 Breathe - park in the parking space in front of the deck on the right side
High Water Warning!
Do not attempt to cross the bridge when any water is over the top!
There is a small bridge across the creek to get to our property. If the water is near the top of that bridge you’ll have to wait until it recedes . It usually happens 3-4 times a year and takes a few hours to go down.
Do not attempt to cross the bridge when any water is over the top!
During the Spring Thaw...If there is any water coming over the bridge please do not attempt to cross, it will go down in a few hours. If you click the link above it will show project water levels - the bridge elevation is approx 5.75 ft.
Local Weather
Our Sedona weather is great, over 325 sunny days! We are at 5000 ft in elevation so expect cool evenings and bring layers. Expect more rain (monsoons) in August, and potentially some light snow in the winter months.
When it does rain it is spectacular! Some rainy day activities might include: wine tasting on Page Springs road, Merkin in Old Town Cottonwood or Caduceus in Jerome. There are also great Art Galleries and Shops nearby. Check out the Kaleidoscope shop in Jerome!
Click link here for map location.
650 Thompson Rd. Senona AZ
Our Partner Adventure Lodging Company - www.TinyCamp.com
Contact Us
Cover Photo: David Smith, Sycamore Canyon - Yee Jensen
TinyCamp © 2022
A project from the Team at Buildbrite